Tuesday Empire Report

soaofny • August 27, 2024

The Empire Report – Tuesday, August 27, 2024 – Race Analysis

RACE 1 – (5) MY ULTIMATE BYRON A had license to weaken a bit last week after being used early and then

pacing a 3rd quarter in :26.4 (first over) while fighting a classy, sharp leader – he’s been razor sharp for some time,

and drops into a spot tonight he seems well equipped to handle. (1) YOROKOBI N probably needs to be in a bit

easier for a chance at the top prize but he may have enough speed to hold the pocket from the pole...and that could

help him grab a nice chunk of this. (6) TWIN B DELUXE has turned in 4 straight excellent efforts, even if his trips

have limited him to 4ths in his last pair – he can still grab a good piece tonight despite the less than stellar draw. (4)

BLANK STARE has been holding form very nicely as he rises up the class ladder – chance to land somewhere on

the ticket with the right trip. (2) BENHOPE RULZ N is forced to take a double jump in class tonight but he’s sharp,

draws inside, and may be able to tow along for minor spoils. (3) THIS IS THE PLAN will perk up one of these

nights but the triple-millionaire has been too far off his game to endorse right now. (7) BILL HALEY N wasn’t bad

last week but faces an uphill battle after drawing Post 7 against these.

RACE 2 – (6) CALLMEQUEENBEE A has been doing good work for some time but she’s REALLY elevated her

game in recent weeks, punctuated by last week’s eye-popping 1:51.4 front end blowout – has to get top billing here,

despite drawing outside a couple of solid foes. (4) FREESTARFLIGHT struggled a bit vs. tougher in her last pair

but drops down to the level she beat (easily) 3 and 4 starts back, and could be a major threat once again. (1) IDEAL

COVER beat the 25s two weeks in a row before stepping up to beat the 50s last week (in a dead heat, the SECOND

heater in a row that night!)– not sure she’s as good as the top pair, but surely looks next in line with the rail draw. (2)

LOOKOVERYOUR has held her form surprisingly well even after moving up to the 50s – ok for 3rd/4th. (3) GOT

SEXY SCARS was a close 3rd last week after a beautiful trip – her overall recent form is solid, but she still seems a

touch below the top ones. (5) PARADISE ROCK L tried to leave last week but made a break – tough spot tonight,

even assuming she minds her manners.

RACE 3 – (6) SPORTS FLIX just missed in her last and while she’s missed 18 days since then, she does get a big

barn change – not a fan of the bad draw OR that 2-1 ML price, but we’ll still give her the narrow edge as she joins a

barn that always seems to have fresh stock ready to go. (5) MARY KAT faced better in her 2 local starts so it’s hard

to really evaluate her efforts – she drops into a much easier spot now, and a big effort is possible. (2) CANNERY

ROW was sold before her last and definitely turned in an improved effort for her new connections (just missed 2

nd)–she may be able to be a contender here with even a bit more improvement. (4) TERACITA often figures and is

usually in the hunt, but has become somewhat of a “chronic disappointer” – would need a pretty decent price to use

her on top here. (1) ACEFOURTYFOUR ALEX continues to struggle, her 2024 slate now at 23-0-0-3 – minor share

only. (3) JILLIAN JIGGS has managed just a pair of 3rds since arriving 7 starts back – another looking at only a

small slice. (7) PROVE EM WRONG hasn’t clicked for one of our top barns, just 6-0-1-0 since arriving at Yonkers

– bad draw too. (8) GEORGIA THOMPSON was a little better in her 2nd off the layoff – brutal draw for tonight,


RACE 4 – (5) MISS CHANTILLY N sat 8th with no prayer last week but did finish full of pace for 4th (for a barn

that sent out 3 winners on Sat. night) – she’s definitely upped her game since recently adding Lasix, and she feels

like a good value play in this spot. (3) HEAVENS SHOWGIRL A was struggling for a while but was much better in

her last pair, twice rallying for 2nd behind the razor sharp CALLMEQUEENBEE A – legitimate threat for the top

prize tonight. (2) JIVE DANCING A really hit the skids for a while, finally picking up a win (barely) at the bottom

level – she may be starting to turn things back around again, as she did score the (dead heat) victory in this class last

week – possible for sure, but not a fan at that 7/5 ML price. (4) BIG BIG PLANS hasn’t threatened in most of her

recent starts but the move inside could at least help her snag a piece. (1) COMMANDER CATHY N hasn’t won a

race all year, and has been camera shy, in general, for most of her U.S. career – small piece only. (6) COALFORDS

NSHINE GB seemed to tail a bit in her last pair, and now lands outside.

RACE 5 – (1) MCNATURAL L has been racing well in Western NY and now gets a big barn and driver change as

she makes her first local start of 2024 – we’ve seen this barn win with so many “freshies” in the past, we’ll look for

a big effort from this mare tonight (2) JUST ROSAS LUCK has hit board for what feels like a zillion straight weeks,

for a few different barns – another good draw should make her a very real threat once more. (6) ALWAYS BE CITY

has been a very solid player in this class, though her only local win did come one level down – if she’s close enough

when they turn for home, she can be the late danger. (7) ELISES DELIGHT is good right now and drops in for a

realistic tag – the tough draw may limit her, however. (5) CHARMING VIXEN is better suited vs. 20s, but still may

be able to rally for a small piece. (4) DREAM DANCING’s lines don’t look very appealing, but note that her barn

has sent out a few totally form-reversing (BIG price) winners recently – worth mentioning. (3) LINE EM UP drops,

but will need a major wake up call if she hopes to have a serious say tonight. (8) OUR LITTLE MIRACLE fits okay,

but faces an uphill battle starting from Post 8.

RACE 6 – (6) FRONDEUR shipped in razor sharp from Tioga but lost all chance on 8/7 after an uncharacteristic

early miscue – she bounced right back last week, however, shooting right to the to the top and crushing the field with

ease...the one to beat if she throws a similar effort tonight. (2) PINK RUBY is as solid as they come at this level,

with 2 wins, 4 seconds and 2 thirds from her last 8 starts – goes for a new barn tonight, but the guess is that she’ll

have her usual big say. (5) LYONS MIKI was starting to look better a few starts back, then picked up her first local

win of the season last week when able to shoot up the cones and nail the weakened leaders – can rally for a piece

tonight too, but likely a smaller one. (1) PHELGON was caught behind horrible cover last week and just seemed to

lose interest – willing to give her a pass, and look for her to rebound with a much better try – ok for exotics. (3)

MICHELLES JAZZ hasn’t clicked in most of her local starts and will need to do better if she hopes to have any kind

of impact. (4) SUNSET SOPH benefited from a ground saving trip last week to pick up a 3rd – will need a similarly

good trip tonight for a chance at another piece. (7) AINTNOHOLLABACKGRL just never really sharpened this

year, and has been no threat in most of her starts.

RACE 7 – (7) SHAZAM BLUE CHIP has proven to be an astute claim, enjoying a lot of success since being taken

for $15K a few months back – he comes off a crushing 1:51.3 win in his last, but will have to work to get it done

again from out here- a good price makes him worth a play (2) FREQUENT IMAGE figured to improve dramatically

upon returning to our leading trainer and that’s exactly what happened – his speed should set him up with his usual

good trip here, and he remains a very dangerous player. (5) REAL WILLEY (making his first start off the claim last

week) was bet right into the streaking ROCK DIAMONDS N and came up just a hair short of ending that one’s

winning streak – maybe tonight he gets the job done? (8) ROCK DIAMONDS N came into his last race seeking his

10th straight victory – he had to WORK for it (for the first time in a long time), but he was able to keep just enough

of his nose out at the wire to keep the streak alive – he’ll need to be better than ever to come out on top tonight,

however, as this is a better field than usual, with actual leavers to his inside! (1) MACH N CHEESE may have

bravened up a bit after last week’s win over cheaper (in PA) and lands the pole returning to YR – small piece? (6)

HEZ ALL THE RAGE took on older foes last week and came up 2nd best to #7 – tough spot tonight, facing several

good ones from a bad post. (3) QUALITY BUD gets a good draw but faces an unpredictable trip in a good field. (4)

JIMMY CONNOR B seems better suited vs. a bit easier.

RACE 8 – (4) SINBAD N has been racing well for weeks but keeps coming up just a little short – ducks a few of

the good ones that have beaten him recently, and this feels like a spot for him to get over the hump (7) KID FROM

THE BRONX has shown significant improvement since the recent claim, just missing twice - chance to be right in

the mix once again...if Bartlett can hustle him away to a good spot. (3) JOHNNY SACK wasn’t bad in his dirt start

back off a long layoff, then a close 4th in his next – the last was a little disappointing, however, so we’ll see if he can

bounce back with a better one tonight. (5) DEALERS TURN feels like he’s been getting better as the year goes on

and his barn has been doing good work for a while – use in exotics. (2) FIREARM is just 1 for 15 this year but he

did hot board in 10 of the losses – always a chance to grab a small slice. (6) AYR BALMORAL GB won in this

class 2 back but it was an easier spot that this one – the tough draw could see him fighting it out for only minor

spoils tonight. (8) JERSEY BEACH was sent off at 1/10 in his local debut but was pushed to his limit and had to

work to prevail – lands all the way outside while facing tougher now, and that has us leaning elsewhere. (1) CHIP IN

BLUE hasn’t been terrible, but does seem a bit overmatched against several of the others.

RACE 9 – (1) KINGSVILLE loves to win races, and is a different horse when able to be part of the action (as he

should be from this spot) – deserves top billing with the rail draw. (2) CHURCHVIEWFRANKL IR certainly liked

racing here last year, going 13-6-2-3 – he returns from NJ/PA in fine form (even if facing a bit easier) and looms a

very live player from this spot. (4) ROLLING WITH SAM is just 2 for 20 here this year but raced well in almost all

of his starts (he always seems to land on a tough trip, catches sharp rivals, etc.) – never a bad one to consider when

the price is good. (5) SPORTY M THREE was a close 3rd in his Hilltop return, even if no threat to the top pair – he

wouldn’t be a shock here, but a couple of others are just a bit more appealing for the top slot. (8) CASINO ACTION

N has been using his speed to establish good trips, and grab good pieces – chance he could do it again tonight, at a

good price. (6) FUNATTHEBEACH N took $$ last week but was just no good at all – he’s always eligible to just

reverse form on a dime (especially at this level), but he would just be hard to play in here after that last mile. (3)

DELIGHTFUL DUDE N continues to hold his own, but probably needs to be in a little easier to threaten for a

bigger piece. (7) ORLANDO BLUE A is in a terrible spot, but he did pick up big price 2nds in 2 of his last 3 starts –

good one for longshot fans.

RACE 10 – (4) REAL LADY SADIE went off a huge overlay price last week (29-1) and almost got to the

prohibitive favorite – she’s been very solid in her last 4 starts, has the speed to create a trip for herself, and we’ll

give her the edge over a couple of other sharp mares. (7) SHEIKH YABOOTY N lands outside but with the speed to

still get a very good start – she’s hit board for a zillion straight weeks, and was just reclaimed by her favorite trainer

– very legitimate chance. (3) ALWAYS B MIMI didn’t click after the 5/21 claim – she was just freshened up,

qualified back nicely, then picked up a 2nd to the runaway winner in her first start back – could be even sharper

tonight. (2) HARPER SEELSTER is yet another sharp mare, hitting board in 4 of her last 5 starts (parked the mile in

the other) – would be no surprise at all. (1) BROOKDALE JESSIE is far too camera shy to consider on top, but a

piece is definitely possible with the move inside. Neither (5) EVAS SPORTS CZECH nor (6) TUAPEKA JESSIE N

are sharp right now...making them tough to like against their other sharp rivals.

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